ASSIGNMENT 2 (Personal Website)

Step 1 : Open Dreamweaver and select HTML to create a new page. Then, choose site > new site, click Advanced to set the directory of Local root folder and Default image folder. After that, choose File > New. Then, choose the layout as below.

Step 2 :  I am instructed to create a personal website that contain at least 5 links. I decided to have the following links : Home, Profile, Hobbies, Blog and Contact. The image below here is the Profile page I have created. It has a black background with pink font, and my photo taken with two cute bears in Korea.

Step 3 : In order for my website to look uniform, I have used the same background colour and font colour as  in the Profile page. The 2nd link is titled Hobbies, which I have briefly describe what I enjoy doing in my leisure time.

Step 4 : The 4th link in my website is linked to my blog which I have created for my Digital Media assignment. The last link is Contact as shown in the following image, which basically contain my email address and mobile phone number.

Step 5 : Image shown as below is my Home page. I have chosen "pink love" as my background for Header and Container. Purple font is used for my Header. For the background of body and footer, I like it to be purple. In the Container, there are five links as I have mentioned earlier in Step 2. I also inserted an image of mine. 

Tada, my personal website is done. Yeah \(^0^)/