Sunday 26 June 2011

E-WALLPAPER - Process 1 (Selection Tools)

Step 1 : Start a new task by selecting "A4 size" in "International Paper". Drag the "MMU Logo" image from picture folder into Photoshop working window.

Step 2 : Use "Pen Tool" to crop the Logo. Press control+path then press control+shift+inverse selection to deselect the unnecessary background. Then drag the Logo into the "A4 paper".

Step 3 : Continue with another image which is a Mortar Board. Use the Magic Wand Tool to discard the white background. Then drag the Mortar Board into the A4 paper.

Step 4: The subsequent image to be used is image of graduands. Actions taken in step 2 are repeated here.

Step 5 : Last image used is image of a "Globe". Magic Wand Tool is used. Process is the same as in step 3.

Tuesday 21 June 2011


My name is Long Shee Yee Evelyn. I am a student of Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons.) (Management with Multimedia). I am in Section BC271B for Digital Media I tutorial class.

This is my first blog which I am very excited. I find that it is interesting to share thought, idea and feeling through cyberspace.

The above image was taken in a cafe called Flapjack, situated in Kuta, Bali Island. I like to travel and eat :) So far the foreign countries I have been to are South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, China, Thailand and Singapore. I wish my next destination will be Paris and New York.